Tuesday Afternoon

June 23, 2021

A Word about the Word

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
[Matthew 22:36–40]

We’re talking the “greatest.” Hyperbole? Don’t think so. We’re talking, Jesus’ words! Red letter stuff. In my opinion, among denominations and church leaders these days, there’s way too much squabbling over doctrinal nuances and race theories and male/female “places” and not enough prioritizing what Jesus called the “greatest” commandment. May it not be so at Trinity. #1Corinthians13Church

Close to Home

“God loves a cheerful giver.” If you are new to Trinity, one thing you’ll learn quickly is that the Trinity congregation is a very generous one. We give and “tithe” obediently and faithfully. One of the areas of giving is our “outreach partners”. We are looking to add both global and local partners to our family and budget in the coming year. (We’ll keep you posted.) We just approved a $5,000 gift to Dignity Freedom Network for their COVID medical emergency relief ministry. They are doing amazing and compassionate work in the face of India’s ongoing pandemic crisis.

“Two are better than one…” This Sunday, from Ecclesiastes 4. First time for me to teach it not in a wedding setting. It is by no means a biblical slight against singles—more a blow against rugged individualism. 

The World as It Is

In a major win for religious liberties, the Supreme Court recently ruled unanimously that a Catholic foster agency can exclude same-sex couples from their fostering list. You have to believe this isn’t the last we’ll hear of this kind of challenge.

Ekstasis is a new publication designed to revive the Christian imagination. According to Timothy Dalrymple, CEO and President of Christianity Today, “Ekstasis revives the Christian imagination, offering artful contemplation that nurtures the soul, and illuminates a path that leads through beauty and awe to a profound and joyous faith in Jesus Christ. In a clamorous and contentious age, we view Ekstasis as a kind of digital cathedral, a sanctuary from the noise, a place that captures our attention through loving art and luminous words.” It seems worth checking out.


Luca is the latest offering from Pixar. It is a fun, family-friendly story taking place in the Cinque Terra region of Italy. Very Italian. Luca is created by Italian film maker Enrico Casarosa. The movie is filled with familiar Italian customs and phrases and places. It is even centered around two boys earning a “Vespa” (the iconic Italian motor scooter). But you don’t have to have a soft spot for all things Italian to enjoy this story that accents the value of friendship and of seeing past people’s reputations and beyond their immediate appearances.

I’ll catch you on the other side.
