Tuesday Afternoon

April 30, 2021

A Word about the Word

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. [Jesus]

I am? Yep!

But unless I am experiencing a bunch of “preserving” in my own soul and a lot of light in my own life, the earth and the world won’t be getting much of that from me.

One of my favorite professors used to say, “You can’t impart what you do not possess.” One of my favorite singers, James Taylor, waxes eloquent about the beauty and solace found in Mexico. Then he adds these lines: “I’ve never really been, so I don’t really know.”

‘Nuff said.

Close to Home

Is it very trustworthy? Both in what it says and how it came about? The Bible, that is.

Common critiques about the Bible (especially the New Testament) center around claims that the stories are fanciful and written hundreds of years after Christ. Recent archeological discoveries are pummeling these claims. A recent find gives us added confidence that the New Testament was written not long after Christ’s death. Sunday mornings in June, Pastor Ty will be teaching a class called “God’s Story to Us” that probes the Bible—how we got it, why we trust it, and how we can live by it. All are welcome. Stay tuned.

Doubt, Sunday’s message, hit a common chord or nerve. It’s like the family “secret” no one wants to admit. Until you do and realize most families have similar issues. I recommended two books: Faith and Doubt by John Ortberg and After Doubt by A.J. Swoboda. Here are a couple of more from two of my favorite authors that address doubt through a side door: Knowing Christ Today by Dallas Willard and Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey. If you want to hear a “fresh take” on doubt, you can catch me and Mark Pennell discussing here.

The World as It Is

If you could read my e-mails from India, you would weep. The devastation and loss of lives is pretty much indescribable. COVID-19 has made a comeback and is ravaging that nation like a starving wolf in an overcrowded henhouse.

Asking what you can do? Start here.


Okay, file this under “coolest billboard ever.”

I’ll catch you on the other side.
