
See below for our upcoming and ongoing events as well as several of our ongoing support groups.

Subscribe to Trinity Events

Subscribe to our weekly list of events and opportunities to keep you informed of Trinity happenings for the current week and beyond!


Click below to learn about our weekly and monthly ministries for moms, retirees, and men that meet throughout the ministry year from September to May. You can also visit for more information.

CROSSFAITH: Where Fitness Meets Faith
Every Thursday @ 5:00pm

CROSSFAITH is kicking off again! This group meets at CrossFit Mentality on Pinecone Drive in Mentor from 5:00-6:30pm each Thursday evening. Not sure you’re ready for a hard workout? We can build one tailored just to you! Wear your workout gear and bring your Bible, because all you have to do is show up–the rest takes care of itself!

Basics of the Faith Winter Session
Thursdays at 7:00pm beginning January 16

Join us on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm starting January 16 for a women’s Bible study focused on the basics of the Christian faith. This study is open to anyone wanting to know more about what we believe and how deeper study can help grow our faith in Christ. The winter session lasts until February 27.

Cost is $5 per person to cover the study’s production. Please bring your payment with you to the first meeting. If you attended Basics in fall of 2024, you do not need to re-register.

Presidents’ Day Play Date!
Monday, February 17 @ 10:00am

Parents are welcome to bring their children from birth to 5th grade for a time of indoor play on their wintery day off from school. The Hub will be open from 10:00am-12:00pm on February 17 for families to play together. We will have gross and fine motor activities for all ages. Check out all the fun and fellowship The Hub has to offer! No registration needed; just come hang out!

UNIFIRE Night of Worship
Saturday, February 22 @ 6:00pm

UNIFIRE is back with another community night of worship! This event will be held at Painesville Baptist Church (1307 Riverside Drive in Painesville) at 6:00pm on Saturday, February 22 and is FREE to all! A love offering will be taken to support Little Annie’s Hope Train. Come join the worship team (featuring several on the Trinity worship arts team!) for a moving and meaningful time of celebrating Christ with believers across Lake County. To learn more, visit UNIFIRE’s website

Fat Sunday: From Feast to Fast! 
Sunday, March 2 @ 5:00pm

We’re putting our own spin on the Mardi Gras celebrations this year by hosting a feast before the fast! On Sunday, March 2 at 5:00pm, we’re inviting everyone to join us for a big ol’ dinner with some fun on the side before we usher in the Lenten season later that week. We’ll be sharing more details about observing Lent as we get closer, but for now, you won’t want to miss what we’re calling “Fat Sunday.”

Pickleball Events for Trinity!
Hosted by Pickleball Play 365 (8001 Moving Way in Mentor)

Our pickleball enthusiasts (or even those just wanting to learn) can check out these upcoming events for Trinity at Pickleball Play 365!

Sunday, February 23 from 2:00-3:30pm
FREE Intro to Pickleball Class
All equipment is provided; just bring clean tennis shoes and learn how to play!
Friday, March 14 from 6:00-9:00pm
Trinity Pickleball Fellowship

Chick-fil-a sandwich meals are served at 6:00pm, and Round Robin Mixed Play starts at 6:30pm! Open to everyone age 15 and up. Limited to 40 players. Cost is $25  for players and $15 for non-players (both options include meal). Register by March 12.

To register, download the Court Reserve App and pick Pickleball Play 365 as your organization, or call Pickleball Play 365 @ 440-568-7529. Emails to Non-players should call or email to register.


GriefShare at Trinity

GriefShare Support Group

Winter session begins Monday, January 6 @ 6:30pm–8:15pm

GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.  You’ll gain access to valuable resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

The 13-week winter session runs from January 6–March 31. Weekly seminar topics are stand-alone; therefore, you can begin at any time.

Divorce Care at Trinity

DivorceCare Support Group

Winter session begins Wednesday, January 8 @ 6:30pm–8:00pm

DivorceCare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the  divorce or separation process alone.

The 13-week winter session runs from January 8–April 2. Weekly seminar topics are stand-alone; therefore, you can begin at any time.